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How to take a reduced dose of Paxlovid

Paxlovid is usually taken as 3 tablets twice daily.  Your doctor may instruct you to have a reduced dose of...
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Flu Update 2023

2023 private flu vaccines ($25) are available. This year, a spike in influenza is expected early.Bookings are available online. We...
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COVID-19 vaccines are now available for children 6 months to under 5 years of age

YourGP is NOT currently part of the vaccine roll-out for this age group. Participating practices are listed at the bottom of this...
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COVID Antiviral Update

COVID-19 antivirals have broader eligibility criteria from July 11. Antivirals can reduce the risk of hospitalisation by up to 88%...
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Flu update

2022 free government and private flu vaccines ($25) are available. This year, a spike in influenza is expected due to...
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5 to 11 year Pfizer Vaccination Information

We look forward to vaccinating your child with the paediatric Pfizer vaccine. Information about the vaccine is available here. You...
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COVID Positive Patient Information

YourGP provides this information to help you know what to expect when diagnosed with COVID-19. We wish you the best...
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3rd dose COVID-19 vaccine for immunocompromised individuals.

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) recommends a third primary dose of COVID-19 vaccine in severely immunocompromised individuals. The standard...
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AstraZeneca and the under 60’s: 50 shades of Grey

If you’re drawn to this article, then you’re probably looking for some information to help you make a decision regards...
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Pregnancy and Mental Health

Most people have heard of post-natal depression, but did you know being pregnant can put you at increased risk of...
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