Phone (02) 6109 0000

Your first visit at YourGP@ Lyneham

New Patient Forms

Save time waiting in the practice by completing your new patient registration online.

You can do it by hand.
Print and fill out the new patient form which can be downloaded by clicking here.
Once completed:

  • POST YourGP@Lyneham, 1/62 Brigalow St, Lyneham, ACT, 2602
  • HAND DELIVER to reception when you arrive
  • FAX to 6109 0001

Please do not email your form. Email is not sufficiently secure to protect your privacy.

Alternatively, please arrive at least ten minutes early to your first appointment. This will give sufficient time to fill out forms and for reception to create your new patient file.



Billing And Appointments

Payment is required at time of consultation.  The GPs do not bulk bill.

All Workers Compensation cases are required to pay at time of consultation. Third Party (case conference) consultations will be billed to the insurer if there is an accepted claim number.

If a procedure or any other type of appointment is made then fees will be advised prior.

YourGP@Crace is open most Saturday mornings from 9am to 1pm. Saturday appointments attract a higher fees, as below.  Please book online at or call 6109 0000.

GPs reserve some appointments daily for urgent bookings. You can secure an ‘on the day’ appointment by booking online from midnight or by calling from 8.00 am.

If you wish to cancel your appointment please give as much notice as possible.
Missed appointments will attract a $40 fee.

There is a cancellation list which you can place yourself on by booking online or by calling reception.


Standard appointment $113 ($90 for pensioners)
Longer appointment $205 ($165 for pensioners)

SATURDAY FEES - These appointments are at yourGP@Crace

Standard appointment $140
Longer appointment $230

After hours

Practice opening hours are 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday.
A Saturday morning Crace clinic opens from 9am to 1pm

For attention outside these hours please call CALMS on 1300 422 567.

CALMS (Canberra Afterhours Locum Service) is staffed by experienced Canberra GPs.  It is a not for profit organisation that has been operating since 1971.

When you call you will speak with a nurse who will triage your medical problem. They may advise that it would be acceptable to wait and see your regular GP the following day.

If they advise you to see your GP the following day please access one of our emergency on the day bookings.  These appointments become available online after midnight or by calling from 7.45am.

CALMS is only open afterhours:

    • 6pm-8.30am Monday to Friday
    • 24 hours on weekends and public holidays.

CALMS clinics are operate until 11pm at North Canberra Hospital Bruce and The Canberra Hospital.  After 11pm a doctor is available to visit at home if you need urgent attention.

CALMS send the practice consultation notes the following morning so your GP is informed of your care.

CALMS charge a fee which will be advised on booking.  If you have a health care card or concession card the fees are reduced.

For more information:


Healthdirect – 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. If you have a health issue and you do not know who to contact or what to do, a registered nurse will help direct you. Phone 1800 022 222.


YourGP afterhours care.
Option 1 – Saturday morning clinic at YourGP@Crace by appointment.
Option 2 – Urgent after hours care at all other times, click on Afterhours link on the right side bar. This option is available to regular patients only. It requires prepayment of $300 and will start with a phone consultation. If it is deemed safe and necessary, an in person consultation will then be scheduled.  To access this option, scroll to the bottom of the window below for payment.


Walk-in nurse Centres – 7.30am to 10pm. No appointment needed. For locations and current wait times: